Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Skaelskoer introductions - Vitter

Hello my name is Vitter. I am eleven yers old. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite drink is juice. I love to play football and my favorite team is fck. My father works in a factory there is making ketchup and my mother is a teacher. My pets is two cats called Frøns and Mille. My sister have a horse called Jolly and we all have a horse called Odessa. I look forward to hear about Scotland and Finland and write with you.

From Vitter.


Kaari and Mika said...

Hi Vitter Whats your favourte couler?

Aapo and Kaarina said...

Hi Vitter what is your faviorite hobby?

Irja said...

Hi my name is Irja. Do you like swimming?

Lene Sieling said...

Hi Kaari and Mika. My favourite colour is blue.

From Vitter.

Lene Sieling said...

Hi Aapo and Kaarina. My favourite hobby is football.

From Vitter.

Lene Sieling said...

Hi Irja. I like swimming and I goe swimming one time at the week. Do you like swimming and have you other hobbys.