Friday, October 9, 2009

Kuvansi introductions- Teddy

My name is Teddy. I am ten years old. My hobby is boxing and I like Duudsons. My favourite pet is dog. I live in the countryside. We have many horses and one dog. My favourite food is pasta.


Juha said...

Pasta is my favourite food to!Have you ever been to Britain?

Riina said...

Hi!I also have a lot of horses and
do you like music.

Lene Sieling said...
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Lene Sieling said...

Hi! your town looks pretty. Its looking like a nice town whith some fun in the days. what is your favourite music?


Ahvo said...

Hi Teddy,

Do you like playing with the horses ? Because my mum has got 4 horses and I sometimes help her.

From Ahvo.

Riina said...

Hi Teddy does your dad breed horses or does he like to keep them as pets and to show them.

Sinikka said...

Hi Teddy!

We have looked at your father's website about the horses and it was amazing! How many horses has he got?
